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Madhu Saini

Full Stack Developer, Open Source Enthusiast

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About me ^_^

As a passionate Full Stack Developer and Open Source enthusiast, I am always eager to learn and explore the world of computers. Currently in my final year of Bachelor's in Computer Engineering, I have a strong affinity for coding and web development. Collaborating with global communities and contributing to open source projects is my forte.

Explore Projects

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IMDB Clone

Clone of IMDB

Web Video Chatter

Video Chatting website
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Chatting web app



Madhu Saini is an up-and-coming full-stack developer focusing on the MERN stack. Though I have yet to have the opportunity to work with her directly, I have heard great things about her skills and dedication to her craft. Madhu firmly understands the latest technologies and can deliver high-quality code. I look forward to the opportunity to work with Madhu in the future, and I'm confident that her skills and passion for development will make her an asset to any team.

Highly Promising Full-Stack MERN Developer



Madhu is a fantastic leader, content creator, and developer. She is actively engaged in numerous communities and generously gives her knowledge and expertise. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude are infectious, and she inspires others to achieve their goals. Madhu's content is always engaging and informative, and she deeply understands coding and programming.

I highly recommend Madhu for her exceptional talent, dedication, and passion for her work.

Great Leader & Amazing Content Creator


Madhu is a true gem in the tech community. She consistently goes above and beyond to support and assist fellow developers, making her an invaluable member of any team. Her passion for technology is evident in her impressive skills as a full stack developer. Her dedication to helping others is what sets her apart, and she always takes the time to make sure everyone is on the same page you'll be amazed at her community abilities and grateful for her kind and supportive nature.

Amazing Community builder.

Graphic Designing

BE - Computer Engineering

C K Pithawala College of Engineering and Technology, Surat

12th - Scondary Schooling

Gyanjyot Vidyalaya

Drop me a line about the topic you want to discuss and let's get the conversation started! Shoot me an email and let's dive deep into your interests and ideas


© 2023 by Madhu Saini

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